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Primary Contact
Primary Contact Email
Course Selection
Which course would you like to use in your class, school or organization?
Indigo Basics Web Based
Indigo Career Exploration Web Based
Indigo Career Plus Web Based
Indigo Basics CMS
Indigo Career Exploration CMS
Indigo Career Plus CMS
Teacher/Leader Facilitated
For the full description of the options, please refer to the Course Options page in your packet. We currently use Moodle for our course management system (CMS).
Would you like your class to take the assessment as Module 1 within the course? This is the most common way to administer the assessment.
Yes, I will have my class take the assessment as Module 1 of the course..
No, I would like my class to take the assessment separately from the course.
Will the students complete the assessment in class or on their own time?
In class, with some guidance/support
In class, on their own
On their own
LMS Integration
Indigo can integrate the course with most Learning Management Systems.
Are you interested in exploring integration with your organization's LMS?
What LMS does your organization currently use?
Tech Person/Department Contact
If interested in integrating, please provide contact information for the person or department in responsible for technology integrations.
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