
Indigo Resources for UCW

This site has resources designed for UCW instructors to understand better the components of the Indigo Assessment and Report and others intended to be shared with your students.

Student Debrief

The video below is designed to be shared with students. It provides a brief overview of each of the report components so they can better understand their Indigo Report. You could show this video in class from this site or share the video link and provide it to students to watch outside of class.

Student Debrief: Resources

Indigo Training and Certification for Instructors


Describes how we communicate, our ideal work environment, how we like to take on tasks. It is also referred to as behaviors because these characteristics are often observable in the way we conduct ourselves.

DISC: Resources

Driving Forces

Driving forces are the key to engagement and fulfillment – at work and in our personal lives. They describe our personal “why” and where we find value, joy and meaning in the world.

Driving Forces: Resources


These are human skills that the workforce is looking for. These are learned through experience.

Skills: Resources

Indigo Certification

The piece remaining for you to complete certification and obtain the certificate is to complete the reflection assessment. This is intended to allow you to practice what you have learned through the video series. You will need to have taken the Indigo survey for yourself and have your report. If you feel you need any additional resources, feel free to use them.

A certificate will be emailed to you within two weeks of completion.

Questions?  Email support@indigoproject.org

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