Indigo Education Company Motivators – Thanksgiving tips for a more gracious holiday!
Indigo Education Company appreciates all our partners! In honor of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, we’d like to provide some tips on how you can best show your gratitude for each motivator personality from the Indigo Assessment:

Let high Socials know how much their presence in your life helps you by sharing specific instances where their presence made a positive impact. Consider spending time with them helping others like volunteering at a soup kitchen together. High Socials love to help and like to know their help matters!

Support the high Utilitarians in your life by working with them to achieve a goal or accomplish something important on their list. They will appreciate getting something done and enjoy sharing a sense of accomplishment with you!

Spend some time with your high Theoretical friends and family by asking them to teach you about their area of expertise or something they are currently learning. Asking thoughtful questions will help you better understand their love of that topic. High Theoreticals love sharing their knowledge with others!

Publicly acknowledge the high Individualistic person in your life over the Thanksgiving meal by recognizing what they uniquely bring into your life. Suggest having the Individualistic person in your life create a unique dish for the meal or put on a performance for the gathering of family and friends!

High Traditionals love when others participate in and enjoy annual holiday traditions with them. If there is something you do every year as a family or friend group, keep doing it! If you don’t have any traditions yet, let them create new ones. Honor the things that matter most to Traditionals during this time!

Make sure there is space for beauty, art, or music during the Thanksgiving season. Let high Aesthetics decorate your dining room or go the extra mile to make your meal beautiful. You might also want to create a gratitude collage or a vision board together for the upcoming year. High Aesthetics also enjoy just sitting in silence and appreciating life!
Just like the 5 Love Languages, expressing gratitude based on each person’s top motivators will make everyone feel extra special this holiday season.
From all of us at Indigo, thank you!
Indigo Education Company Motivators – Thanksgiving tips for a more gracious holiday! Read More »