Step 5) Tell people about you and your goals
Writing an Elevator Pitch
This is your opportunity to bring together everything you have been working on throughout this course by creating an elevator pitch. An elevator pitch is a short summary statement about who you are, your career goals and why this is a good fit for you. There is no one right way to write an elevator pitch, only that it needs to be brief. Imagine you are riding in an elevator with a potential employer or someone important to you and you needed to share this about yourself before they get off on their floor. You would want to make a good impression and tell them your goals within 30 to 60 seconds.
This elevator pitch will go onto your MAP, and you can use it again on cover letters, school applications, and resumes. Or you can memorize it and verbally use it at job fairs and interviews.
Let’s start with the statement. Here are some examples:
- I’m exploring nursing because I have a strong desire to help others and it’s a great fit for my patient personality.
- I’m thinking about starting my own business because I like being my own boss and have many unconventional ideas.
- I’m the captain of the soccer team and I like to be competitive. In my career, I want to work as a financial adviser to help other people make the most of their income.
- I want to be a set designer on Broadway because creativity and beautiful spaces are important to me.  I’m currently a theater tech at my school and I plan on going to a four year college in New York for set design.
Once you have created this statement, add it to your MAP. When you have completed this, publish your site.