Exploring Indigo for TTI Partners
An introduction for prospective Indigo collaboration with TTI Partners.
What is Indigo?
The IndigoDiscover dashboard contains information from the report in an easy to read form. It provides actionable information at the touch of a button including recommendations, teaming, and analytics.
Online Course
Indigo’s Self-Awareness and Career Readiness Course helps students understand their own reports and provides an introduction to DISC, Motivators, and skills. Students map their path to a better future!
Collaboration Options
There are three main collaboration options that we have with TTI partners. We are also open to combining or adjusting these should it be needed. Keep in mind that the Indigo assessment/report can only be used with students and in schools.
Assessment Only
If you are working with students, you can purchase our whitelabel/Indigo branded reports from us. We have our own report version for Talent Insights (IndigoMe), TriMetrixDNA (IndigoMePlus) and TriMetrixHD (Indigo). You can purchase 20 for $500 to start. For large projects, please reach out about bulk pricing.
Referral Only
If you are interested in helping Indigo get into schools in your area, but are not interested in doing any of the work, Indigo would pay a referral fee/commission on closed business. The percentage of the fee paid is determined based on the amount of work Indigo must do to finalize the close. These terms are fluid and transparent, discussed along the way based on each school.
This goes beyond just getting Indigo into a school, it also involves doing some or all of the work involved. In addition to being paid a commission on the closed contract, you would also be paid for the work you do. This can be presented as all coming from Indigo and you are the local Indigo representative or Indigo can be a part of your company work. If you choose to be the local Indigo representative, you are paid for work done based on what Indigo charges and could still do some other contracting in the school and charge your personal fees (for example, Indigo could price all student work and you personally could contact for additional Professional Development with teachers or consulting with administration at your own fees). Again, these terms are fluid and transparent and based on discussions had based on the specific project at hand. ($2,500 minimum)