
Indigo Certification Course


IndigoBasics Certification is a 3 workshop series where you build the foundations to become a subject matter expert on the Indigo Indicators and Platforms, and earn your IndigoBasics Certificate. Each workshop is 90 minutes and will be recorded if you are unable to attend part or all of any session.

What does Indigo Certification involve?

If you are planning on completing the full certification, here are the steps required.


Completion of IndigoInsights assessment (DISC, Motivators and Skills)

    • If you have done the IndigoInsights assessment in the past, you don’t have to retake the survey.
    • You will receive a link to take the IndigoInsights assessment after you register for the workshops.

Workshop Descriptions

(90 minutes each)

Workshop #1:

    • IndigoInsights Assessment: Foundations in DISC and practical applications for in-person and remote learning environments.
    • IndigoDiscover Dashboard Features: Highlight, Groups, and Support.
    • IndigoActivate Online Course: Registration.

Workshop #2:

    • IndigoInsights Assessment: Foundations in Motivators and practical application for engagement.
    • IndigoDiscover Features: Lists and Teaming.
    • IndigoActivate Online Course: Monitoring Student Progress.

Workshop #3:

    • IndigoInsights Assessment: Foundations in Skills and how they relate to Growth Mindset.
    • IndigoDiscover Features: Data Table and Full Profile.
    • IndigoActivate Online Course: Post survey and certificate.
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