Support System

The Goal: This exercise will help students understand the qualities that make up “safe” people so that they can build a better support system.


RAMP (ASCA) Mindset & Behaviors addressed and developed: Career: Take Responsibility; Self Advocacy; Self Motivation / Self Direction.  Social/Emotional: Whole Self; Critical Thinking; Personal Safety; Building Positive Peer Relationships, Building Positive Adult Relationships.


  • Circle of chairs
  • Indigo Report
  • Pencil and paper

Step 1: Brainstorm qualities of “safe” people. Students can use real or imaginary people for examples.

Example: An example of a safe person could be “caring, a good listener who knows my needs” or “honest, direct, gives me smart advice.”

Step 2: Have students list real people in their lives that fit these qualities.

Step 3: Challenge students to be “safe” for someone else by trying to bring out one of the qualities of a safe person in their own lives.

Note: The definition of “safe” will vary from student to student. Use the Summary Page and DISC in the Indigo Report to determine what type of safe person will be the best fit for how each one communicates.

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