Personal Essay / Who I Am Art Piece

The Goal: This activity gives students a chance to express themselves while exploring their Indigo traits. The options of either an essay or art piece allows students with different skills, Motivators, and styles to reflect themselves using their preferred method.

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  • Indigo Report
  • Art Supplies

The purpose of this activity is to allow students free expression and exploration of their Indigo Report. The activity can be completed in one of two ways:

Option 1: Use the Indigo Report to write a personal reflection essay.

Students should focus on their DISC profile, top two Motivators, last Motivator, and either communication styles or ideal work environment. The About You page is another great resource. 

The essay should describe the student’s results in these categories. Also encourage the student to expand upon these results with their own thoughts on the report and how it impacted how they view themselves. Personal stories or experiences that support statements from the Indigo Report are a great addition.

Option 2: Create a “Who Am I” art piece. 

Students should have freedom to exhibit how they feels about themselves, while incorporating the results of their Indigo Report, through whatever artistic medium the student chooses.

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