The Goal: To reflect on change and managing change.
Short SEL
Indigo Indicators: Internal: Sense of Belonging, Feelings About the Future
CASEL Competencies: Self-Awareness, Social Awareness
Ramp Behavior Standard: B-SMS 10 Demonstrate ability to manage transitions and ability to adapt to changing situations and responsibilities
- Notebook paper
- Something to write with
As we age, we become new versions of ourselves. As we grow older, we discover new communities in which we fit and new roles that we adopt. Your sense of belonging may shift as you age, and it is completely normal to feel “out of place” during this process.
Write down your answers to the following questions.
Step 1: Are you in a time of transition that has affected the roles or communities you are part of? Or has your role in your community remained the same?
Step 2: If you feel that the roles and/or communities that you belong to are shifting, what is the reason for the shift? (Graduation, moving away, etc.) If you feel that your roles and communities are steady, when was the last time you felt your roles shifting?
Step 3: How do you manage these shifts when they happen? Everyone has experienced shifts in who they are and where they fit to become who they are but may approach this change in different ways.
Step 4: Are there any tips you have for others about how to manage “in between” times?