Envisioning Desired Outcomes

The Goal: To envision the desired outcome of a situation causing you stress and move forward in a way that supports that outcome.

Short SEL

Indigo Indicators: Internal: Managing Stress, Resiliency, Self-Direction
CASEL Competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Management
Ramp Behavior Standard: B-LS 9 Gather evidence and consider multiple perspectives to make informed decisions


  • Notebook paper
  • Something to write with

Having a mental picture of how you would like a situation to be resolved, both what it would look like and what it would feel like, is a good way to figure out how to move within that situation to reach that desired outcome.

Step 1: Choose a stressful situation that you are dealing with in your current life. Write about how you are currently handling this. Describe the situation as is to see it as clearly as possible.

Step 2: Begin a second sheet of paper explaining what your ideal way of managing this situation would be. Picture yourself managing this situation well. What do you say? What words do you use? What attitude do you carry in your ideal way of managing the stress of this situation?

Step 3: Compare both side by side. What is one action you will take to move forward in that direction? Write it down.

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