Dashboard Tutorials

The videos on this page provide information on using the Indigo Dashboard. Any dashboard user can take advantage of these functionalities. 

New 2024!

Copy survey links directly from the Indigo Dashboard, download any group’s reports or summary pages in one PDF for printing, and archive students who should no longer be on the dashboard.

Dashboard Overview

Batch Print Reports

Archive Reports


To download a PDF with the procedure for creating groups, click here.


To download a PDF with the procedure for teaming, click here.

User Management

This functionality is only available to dashboard users who have permission to manage users. If you are a new user who needs access to the dashboard, please contact your Indigo contact at your school or organization.

To download a PDF with the procedure for adding and managing users, click here.

ARCHIVE REPORTS      Dashboard users with this level of permission also have the ability to archive reports.  When a report is archived, it is no longer visible in the dashboard.  However, it is not fully deleted and can be restored if necessary.  Reports can also be moved to different links or dashboards.  To download a PDF with the Move or Archive Reports procedure, click here.

Questions about the dashboard?

Email support@indigoproject.org

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