Career Exploration: Part I
Review Indigo Concepts and write personal statements to add to your MAP.
Know your Why: Motivators
Of all the things measured by the Indigo assessment, Motivators are most important for fulfillment and happiness. In this section you will (1) add your top 2 Motivators to your website, (2) explore your top Motivators and see how some people have connected those to their jobs, and (3) create a Motivator statement and add it to your website.
About Motivators
Motivators reveal the things you really care about. They are what makes you want to learn, what grabs your heart, and what gets you excited. Motivators correlate directly to fulfillment and meaning so most people are happiest selecting a major and career based on their top two motivators. The Indigo Summary page displays a graph on the bottom left corner ranking relative passion for each of the six Motivators. The graph ranks your Motivators in order from most important to least important, with the 1st being the motivator with your highest score and the 6th being the motivator with your lowest score.
Learn more about jobs relating to your top Motivator
Making sure you prioritize jobs that align with your top two Motivators is critical to personal happiness and fulfillment. Use the buttons below to explore and watch the videos for at least your top 2 Motivators. When you are finished, scroll down to the next section. When you have finished that, if you want to explore more videos on how people use Motivators in their jobs, check out our Indigo Motivators & Careers page.
Write a Motivator Statement
Your Motivator Statement should be a short statement about your top two Motivators, what they mean to you, and how they show up in your life. For example, someone who has Utilitarian #1 and Theoretical #2 likely wants to use their knowledge to make money, so their Motivator statement could be something like –
“I love learning about animals and I want to use what I’ve learned to make money.”
Once you have come up with your statement, go to your website and create an “About Me” section. In this section, enter your top 2 Motivators and write a Motivator statement. Guided instructions are below.