Message from the CEO

Upon reflecting on the past decade of Indigo, I am even more convinced that the future of humanity is inclusive. In this new era, everyone is valued and has a sense of belonging and purpose, not based on what they produce, but simply for who they are as individuals.
The future of education is learner-centered. Who the learner is, how they learn, and what they’re naturally curious about matters more than standards, curriculum, checking boxes, or memorization.
The future of workforce is people-centered. The aspirations, talents, and dreams of each employee are considered in aligning their work with personal growth and authenticity. It is a departure from companies solely pursuing their own objectives and maximizing profits.
Indigo has always been ahead of its time. We are dedicated to supporting the ongoing transformation towards a people-centric consciousness. How do we do this? We continue to focus on our core values, self-awareness, empathy, and freedom.

"know yourself"
Indigo provides a wide range of assessments that facilitate self-awareness. Our assessments are specifically designed to illuminate and highlight the unique strengths of each individual. Unlike other companies that prioritize profit and marketing, we deliver the assessment results with a deeper level of insight and intentionality.

"know your team"
When individuals gain a deeper understanding of themselves, they can then shift their focus toward those around them. The emerging consciousness emphasizes the importance of community and collaboration, rather than individualism and division. To foster this effectively, we need to cultivate empathy for one another. Our assessments serve as a foundation for engaging in meaningful conversations that facilitate this empathetic connection.

"know your possibilities"
Freedom is significant on every level. Individually, we must have the freedom to choose our own identity and to fully express ourselves. In teams, we must feel secure in expressing our ideas and gifts without assumptions or judgment. At the collective and systemic level, it is essential to promote greater empowerment, a stronger belief in the democratic process, and respect for the sacredness of choice.
This is precisely why Indigo remains committed to advocating for increased choices within organizations, companies, schools, and institutions. We strive for clarity of vision and processes that allow individuals to align themselves with organizations that truly resonate with their authentic selves.
Invitation to Connect and Help
If you align with our vision, we invite you to connect with us! Email us and we will get back to you right away!
Please consider helping us grow in the following three ways:
- Spread IndigoPathway far and wide: IndigoPathway is our new free 10-minute self-awareness (DISC and Motivators) career transition assessment. We also offer white-label services, community workforce platforms, certification, online courses, and consulting services around IndigoPathway.
- Refer us to organizations that can use our full suite of services! We specialize in working with schools, non-profits, veteran organizations, and higher education.
- Like us and follow us on social media:
Big Announcements

In partnership with WestEd, Indigo has been selected to modernize the National Career CTE Career Clusters Framework with Advance CTE. This is an amazing opportunity to impact the career trajectories of millions of high school students across the country. See updates on the project here.
Indigo has been awarded a grant from the Colorado Department of Education to develop technology to facilitate statewide career advising conversations with high school students and adults seeking educational and career pathways. We are partnering with Colorado Education Initiative on the year-long project.

Sheri's Book

If you want to know more about Indigo’s unique business philosophy check out Sheri’s new book Spiritual Entrepreneurship: Raw Reflections of a Female CEO.
This book contains Sheri’s personal experiences and insights over the past ten years of building Indigo. Sheri hopes it will inspire and guide others in leadership positions.
Learn more about the book here.
Note of Gratitude
Thank you for being part of our community!
A special expression of gratitude goes out to everyone who has been part of the Indigo team over the past decade. Our current team continues to achieve remarkable feats every day and brings immense joy to thousands of people across the country. As we look ahead to the next 10 years, I strongly believe that our work has only just begun.
With gratitude,

Sheri A. Smith