Category: Activities


Activity: Decision Making

Making decisions can be daunting, especially when faced with multiple options and the pressure to make the best choice. Whether you’re deciding which bicycle to

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Activity: Creativity/Innovation

Unleashing Student Creativity and Innovation! Imagine a world where students are given the same freedom to innovate as engineers at Google, who spend 20% of

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Activity: Continuous Learning

Dedicate yourself to the pursuit of continuous learning, a lifelong journey that embraces curiosity, inquiry, and the expansion of your expertise and skills. This blog

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Activity: Conflict Management

Conflict is often viewed as a source of tension and discomfort, something to be avoided at all costs. However, beneath the surface lies a powerful

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Activity: Ideal Environment

Discovering the perfect learning environment is key to unleashing student potential. In this exercise, students explore their preferences using the Indigo Report. They envision their

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Activity: Guest Speaker

In education, fresh perspectives can be transformative, especially when tackling complex issues. Let’s take a look into the power of inviting guest speakers to address

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