Activity: Finding Your Culture Fit

Finding Your Culture Fit - Students, Career Seekers standing with arms placed over each other's shoulders.

What is the right career for me? Which college should I choose? What should I plan for as I start my career?

These are big questions students face when thinking about their future. But just as important is understanding their culture fit, the type of work environment where they will thrive.

By exploring four broad workplace cultures - entrepreneurial, corporate, nonprofit, and government - students will gain a deeper understanding of how different environments align with their strengths and values. With the help of their Indigo Reports, they will research potential careers and reflect on what truly fits them.

The Goal

This activity encourages students to explore different workplace cultures – entrepreneurial, corporate, nonprofit, and government – to identify which aligns best with their strengths, values, and personality. By reflecting on culture fit early, students can make more informed decisions about their future careers and education.


  • Indigo Report
  • Access to internet for research

Step 1: 

Begin by explaining the four broad culture fits to students. These categories are intentionally general, allowing students to refine and personalize them based on their own preferences and experiences.

Entrepreneurial Fit

Fast-paced, change-oriented environment. Suited for thrill seekers looking for a high-risk job with constantly shifting responsibilities and priorities but a chance for a big payoff—in reputation, in money, in social impact, etc.

Corporate Fit

Fast-paced, detail-oriented environment. Suited for high performers looking for a stable job with a clear procedure to follow for advancement and promotion.

Non-Profit Fit

Steady-paced, change-oriented environment. Suited for cause-driven individuals looking for a potentially high-risk job with a chance to use their talents to solve a large societal issue.

Government Fit

Steady-paced, detail-oriented environment. Suited for steady and highly detailed individuals looking for a stable job with clearly defined responsibilities, priorities and a consistent workflow.

Step 2: 

Ask students to form groups based on the “fit” that most interests them.

Each group will spend a class period researching their chosen culture fit, focusing on:

  • The types of jobs and industries associated with this fit
  • The pros and cons of working in this environment
  • Key skills, values, and personality traits that align with this fit

At the end of the class, each group will give a 3-5 minute presentation summarizing their findings, sharing insights about what it’s like to work in that environment.

Understanding workplace culture fit is a crucial step in making informed career and education decisions. By researching different environments—entrepreneurial, corporate, nonprofit, and government—students gain valuable insights into where they might thrive based on their strengths, values, and personality. This exploration helps them envision not just what they want to do, but where and how they want to work.

To continue this journey, the Indigo Career Field Activity is a great next step. It allows students to dive deeper into specific career fields that align with their skills and interests, helping them make even more informed choices about their future.

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