Activity: Leadership

In the busyness of everyday life, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture: the purpose and potential that lie within you. Leadership isn’t just about guiding others—it's about knowing who you are, understanding your unique strengths, and shaping a vision for your life. This activity is designed to help you elevate your thinking, explore the essence of great leadership, and begin reflecting on the kind of leader you aspire to be.

Through this exercise, you’ll delve into inspiring leadership examples, examine their lessons, and begin shaping your own leadership message. By doing so, you'll start developing the mindset and style that aligns with your values and strengths, setting the stage for your unique contribution to the world. Ready to uncover your leadership potential? Let’s begin!

The Goal

In the midst of routine activities, it’s good to remember that there is a big picture for your life you need to discover. The goal of this exercise is to expose you to high-level leadership thinking and start investigating your own leadership style.

Step 1:

Watch a few videos of leaders in areas you care about. There are examples below, but feel free to supplement with your favorite TED talk / industry speaker / author / master at the mic. You could also find written pieces from leaders.

Step 2:

Answer one of the following two prompts in a 3-5 paragraph short essay: “What is the biggest take away from the video? Why is it important?” OR “How could you apply the speaker’s lessons to your life?”

Step 3:

Write a 3-5 paragraph short essay to answer: “What is YOUR lesson you want to teach the world as a leader?” Use the top 2 motivators or top 5 skills from your Indigo Summary Page to enhance your message.

Optional Add-On:

If you want to work on developing the skill of empathy, you could also write a third essay answering the question “How can you take what you learned to help make the world a better place?”

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