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Understanding Your DISC: Influencing

The I in DISC is Influencing.  Influencing reflects how you respond to people.

Scores above 50 are considered High I’s. High I’s tend to be talkative, enthusiastic, and outgoing. High I’s like to express themselves and connect with people. They trust others easily. The higher the score the more this is true.

Scores below 50 are considered Low I’s. Low I’s tend to be more reserved and reflective and listen more than they speak. Low I’s prefer a more cautious approach when developing trust. The lower the score the more this is true.

A High I DISC graph.

From Indigo CEO Sheri Smith:

Influencing and Introverts and Extroverts

“The Influencing score does not measure whether someone is an extrovert or introvert. It is possible for a High I person to be either type. The I score merely indicates the degree to which an individual enjoys a people-oriented, energetic environment. Extroverted High I’s gain energy from this type of environment, while introverted High I’s need time away from it to recharge. DISC measures how you do what you do. The terms “introvert” and “extrovert” measure how you recharge. If you suspect that you are a High I introvert, explore this by asking yourself questions about how you recharge.”


Start by identifying your Influencing / I score on the DISC graph. You can find your I Score below the yellow bar on the DISC graph. Do you have a high, medium, or low score?

Read through the lists of traits below and write down the ones that you think best describe you. If you are a Low I, focus on the Low I list. If you are a High I, focus on the High I list. Note that if your score is near the middle, you may identify with traits from both lists.

Low I Traits:
Good Listener
Thoughtful Communicator

High I Traits:

When have these traits worked well for you (school, work, leisure)? What are some challenges or problems you’ve faced exhibiting these traits?


In corporate America, DISC is used mainly as a communication tool. It is important for you to communicate with other people based on their DISC styles, not your own. For example, if you are a High I, you likely want to talk a lot, usually in a friendly, enthusiastic manner. However, a Low I prefers less chatter, more time to think before responding, and a quieter tone of voice.

Think of someone you know well with a different high/medium/low Influencing style than you (or a different DISC score in general). How can you communicate with this person differently now, based on what you know about communication styles?

For more information about the Indigo Assessment, visit

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Understanding Your DISC: Dominance

The D in DISC is Dominance.  Dominance reflects how people respond to problems.

Scores above 50 are considered High D’s. High D’s tend to address things directly and urgently, not minding if conflict is created. High D’s like intense environments with challenges and competition. The higher the D score the more these characteristics are true.

Scores under 50 are considered Low D’s. Low D’s tend to be deliberate and thoughtful, avoiding friction while solving problems. Low D’s prefer to work in more peaceful, collaborative settings. The lower the D score the more these characteristics are true.

A High D DISC graph.

From Indigo CEO Sheri Smith:

Can all DISC scores be leaders?

“I get this question often and the answer is, “Absolutely!” Western society tends to characterize High D’s and High I’s, only, as leaders. Our workplaces also reinforce this stereotype. However, there are many examples of people throughout history who lead with all the styles. I love to use Mother Theresa and Gandhi as examples. Both of them were likely Low Dominance and High Steadiness. They led by being consistent, peace loving, and collaborative.”


Start by identifying your Dominance / D score on the DISC grph. You can find your D Score below the red bar on the DISC graph. Do you have a high, medium, or low score?

Read through the lists of traits below and write down the ones you think best describe you. If you are a Low D, focus on the Low D list. If you are a High D, focus on the High D list. Note that if your score is near the middle, you may identify with traits from both lists.

Low D Traits:
Team Player

High D Traits:

When have these traits worked well for you (school, work, leisure)? What are some challenges or problems you’ve faced exhibiting these traits?


Dominance is a quality that is often associated with leadership. It is important to know that both High and Low D’s make great leaders, but their leadership style looks different.

What does a High Dominance leadership style look like? (Remember, this is a “directive” style.)

What does a Low Dominance leadership style look like? (Remember, this style is collaborative and consensus in nature.)

What is your leadership style?

Note: We are not suggesting that you behave differently, but that you take ownership for your behavior and the impact it can have.

For more information about the Indigo Assessment, visit

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A DISC graph with scores of D = 37, I = 92, S = 66, and C = 12. It has annotations showing that the 50 line is called the energy line and that scores above 50 are high, scores below 50 are low.

Understanding Indigo: DISC

Whether you’ve taken the Indigo Assessment or not, DISC scores can have a huge impact in helping you understand different aspects of your personality. DISC is an acronym that stands for Dominance, Influencing, Steadiness, and Compliance, the four categories that make up a person’s DISC results.

What is DISC?

The foundation for the DISC assessment was created in 1928 when Dr. William Moulton Marston published his book, Emotions of Normal People. Over the next century, behavioral scientists and other researchers created different measurement tools to quantify behaviors according to the models that Dr. Marston created. Indigo uses the DISC model and builds upon the decades of research to offer you a detailed glimpse into your own behaviors.

Where are my DISC scores?

Your DISC graph is located on the top right of the first page of your report. There are additional pages within your report that will give you more information about DISC and your results. Your scores will look something like this:

A DISC graph.

How Can I Use My DISC Results?

Each of your DISC scores falls somewhere between 0-100, and is indicated by a colored bar, with your numerical score listed below the bar. If any of your behavioral scores are above 50, they are considered high, while any scores under 50 are considered low. There are no good or bad scores in a DISC assessment. Your score just indicates which behaviors come more naturally to you. If you are in an environment that is better suited for a high score while you have a naturally low score, it will be more difficult for you to cope, and as a result, may drain your energy.

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Indigo at ETS

On Thursday, May 30th, Indigo Founder and CEO Sheri Smith, Chief Technology Officer Chris Kalish, and Associate Danielle Dettling presented and demoed Indigo Education Company at ETS’s Princeton Campus. The day included a three-hour demo session, a company pitch, and a working session with ETS employees. ETS employees were able to see different use cases for the Indigo Assessment, the Indigo Dashboard and provide comprehensive feedback on data usage and usability.

ETS (Educational Testing Service) is the world’s largest nonprofit organization dedicated to educational testing and assessments, administering the GRE and TOEFL exams. Using their assessments and subsequent research, ETS aims to improve teaching and learning, ensure opportunity for individual learners and inform education policy.

Indigo would like to thank ETS employees for taking the time out of their work days to discuss Indigo Education Company’s products and to LearnLaunch Accelerator for connecting Indigo to ETS.

Sheri Smith presenting Indigo Education Company to ETS employees

Sheri Smith presenting Indigo Education Company to ETS employees

Indigo CEO Sheri Smith and LearnLaunch Venture Partner Richard Varn

Indigo CEO Sheri Smith and LearnLaunch Venture Partner Richard Varn

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LearnLaunch Accelerator Announces Next Round of EdTech Resources

BOSTON, May 7, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — LearnLaunch Accelerator is thrilled to announce its latest round of investments and unveil the four edtech companies selected for its highly competitive Breakthrough Program. Since 2013, LearnLaunch Accelerator has invested in nearly 60 edtech companies and continues to be recognized for its strong track record accelerating industry-leading solutions and teams dedicated to improve teaching and learning.

“The edtech industry is undergoing unprecedented growth,” said Jean Hammond, Co-Founder and General Partner at LearnLaunch Accelerator. “This change is visible in deeper understanding and appetite for technology solutions coming from education practitioners, larger investment rounds, and world-wide edtech funding surpassing $8B in 2018. It’s important now, more than ever, for companies looking to participate in this market to tighten their entry, growth, and scaling strategies. It’s challenges like these that our program is designed to support companies through.”

Click here to read more about the 2019 LearnLaunch Accelerator Cohort.

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LearnLaunch Breakthrough: Meet Indigo

Meet Sheri Smith, CEO & Founder of Indigo Education Company. Indigo improves engagement, retention, and career readiness for K-12 and Higher Education with an actionable Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) dashboard of personal skills, traits, and motivators for use by teachers, staff, students and parents. Indigo delivers human capital insights to K12 and Higher Ed customers via a technology platform equipped with data analytics, curriculum, online courses, and career pathway opportunities.

Sheri will take part in the LearnLaunch Breakthrough Accelerator, a 5-week intensive program at the LearnLaunch Campus in Boston. Read on to learn about Indigo’s journey, where they’re headed, and why they chose LearnLaunch.

Click here to read more about Indigo Education Company and LearnLaunch Breakthrough’s 2019 Cohort.

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Jesuit High School College Counselors Association

On Tuesday, April 9th, Indigo Education Company’s Chief Customer Experience Officer Sueann Casey spoke at the Jesuit High School College Counselors Association’s (JHSCCA) annual conference at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The JHSCCA is an organization of college counselors from Jesuit high schools across the country. They meet once a year to discuss best practices for their students. Sueann led a professional development and team building workshop for over 60 counselors using their Indigo Reports and focused on how to use Indigo to help match their students to college and career pathways



Chief Customer Experience Officer Sueann Casey with Two Indigo Champions — Molly, College Advisor at St. Xavier High School in Cincinnati, and Angela, JHSCCA President and Counselor at Jesuit High School in Sacramento.


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Colorado Impact Days

Indigo Education Company is honored to be one of 60 organizations selected for the 2019 Colorado Impact Days, taking place next week from March 11th to March 14th. Colorado Impact Days was founded as a way to connect social enterprises and nonprofits with individuals and foundations looking to increase their impact on their communities. On Tuesday, March 12th, CEO and founder of Indigo, Sheri Smith, will present Indigo Education Company and its vision to change the education system starting with the individual.

This marks the fourth year of CO Impact Days, a venture that has helped invest over $201 million in social enterprises and nonprofits since 2016. The event will take place at the Curtis Hotel in Denver and includes the National Opportunity Zone Summit, the Social Venture Marketplace, and speaking engagements from foundation leaders and investors.

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Empathy in STEM

On February 9th, 2019, CEO and founder of Indigo Education Company Sheri Smith spoke at the University of Colorado, Denver for the Department of Bioengineering’s event Women as Innovators: Creating Success in the Workplace.” Speaking to a group of 30 female engineering students from multiple disciplines, Sheri was able to share with attendees the importance of practicing empathy and bringing a woman’s perspective to male-dominated STEM fields.

Visit for more information on indigo’s work in Higher Education.

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Partial Credit Podcast

Host Jesse Lubinsky discusses his experience with the Indigo Assessment at a Google Education Think Tank on the November 9th, 2018 episode of Partial Credit.

“There are lots of tests out there like this that, once you identify your personality type they’ll give you some insight into how to best use what you know about yourself now to improve yourself and maximize those personality traits you have.”

“What was different about [The Indigo Project] was…they were actually doing this in schools with students and with staff members and then putting systems in place to let schools know more about their students and then giving a framework for how you can use that data to inform how to communicate with students or how to actually create actionable steps to create interventions when necessary.”

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