Author name: Sheri Smith

Activity: Art Project

Welcome to a world of creativity and self-expression! Our Activity: Art Project is here to ignite the spark of imagination in students. The canvas is yours, and there are no rules to stifle your artistic expression. Join us on a journey where self-expression and creativity intertwine, free from judgment or grades.

Join us on this colorful journey and let your inner artist shine!

The Goal

The idea behind this exercise is to spark creativity in the students. Creativity is essential because it helps people not feel trapped in their lives. The other purpose to this exercise is to give the students an opportunity to express themselves freely. There are no restrictions, and the students will have no fears of being judged or graded.

RAMP (ASCA) Mindset & Behaviors addressed and developed:


Career: Creativity; Communication.
Social/Emotional: Whole Self; Sense of Belonging; Positive Attitude; Self-Direction; Open Perspective; Extracurricular Activity; Coping Skills; Empathy; Self Advocacy; Positive Relationships.


  • Indigo Reports
  • Art Materials


Provide the students with any art materials on hand. Some examples are posters and markers, canvases and paint, modeling clay, magazines and scissors (for those who don’t like to draw) or simply a pen and paper. Have the students create a piece of art that represents themselves. The students are free to get as creative as they want. There are only two rules: the art has to be all about themselves, and it has to all be positive.

Tip: Motivators from the Indigo Report are a good place to start to inspire students to think of images that represent what drives them.

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Activity: Voicing Your Personal Needs

Imagine a world where students confidently express their needs, paving the way for better connections and smoother interactions. This blog is your portal to that world.

Join us as we embark on this transformative exercise. From starring resonating needs to exploring personal experiences and identifying moments when voicing needs is paramount, we’ve got it all covered. It’s time to make your voice heard and strengthen your connections. Let’s dive in! 

The Goal

This exercise will help students understand what their unique combination of needs is and how to express them to others.

RAMP (ASCA) Mindset & Behaviors addressed and developed:

Academic: Critical Thinking; Positive Attitude. 
Career: Overcoming Obstacles; Perseverance; Self Confidence.  
Social/Emotional: Sense of Belonging; Self Advocacy; Coping Skills; Social Maturity.


  • Circle of chairs
  • Indigo Report
  • Pencil and paper

Step 1: 

Have students read the Things You May Want From Others section of their Indigo Reports and have them star the ones that resonate.

Step 2: 

Have students write down their own answers to the following questions:

Step 3:

Divide students into pairs. Have them share their answers with each other, and brainstorm instances or places where they need to express their most important needs to people around them.

Example: Tom’s most important need could be “Public recognition of his ideas and results.” He realizes he needs to express to his teacher he would like more feedback on the projects he does for the class.

If some students would feel uncomfortable sharing, they can work alone and write down places in their lives where they need to express their needs.

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Activity: Asking “Why?”

Have you ever found yourself contemplating the origins of your insecurities and the ways to conquer them? 

In our ‘Asking ‘Why?’ SEL’ activity, we embark on a reflective journey, delving deep into the core of these insecurities and seeking strategies to overcome them. It’s a well-established fact that the simple act of asking ‘Why’ can lead to profound insights. 

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through this transformative exercise, designed to help students gain a deeper understanding of themselves and discover effective approaches for building confidence and resilience. Join us on this enlightening exploration of self-discovery and empowerment as we unlock the potential for personal growth and emotional well-being. 

The Goal

This exercise helps students take a deeper look into their insecurities to find ways to overcome them.

RAMP (ASCA) Mindset & Behaviors addressed and developed:

Academic: Critical Thinking; Self Direction / Self Motivation.
Communication; Social Maturity.
Social/Emotional: Identifying Goals; Perseverance; Coping Skills; Empathy; Self-Confidence; Whole Self.


  • Circle of chairs
  • Indigo Report

Step 1: 

Have students form pairs—one listener, one talker. Tell the talker to share one of their insecurities with the listener.

Example: “Why” questions could allow one student to express that he wants to do well in school so he doesn’t feel stupid.

Step 2:

Have the listener begin asking the talker “Why” questions (“Why does this make you feel insecure?”). There will be five questions each round.

Step 3:

Switch roles and do another five rounds.

Step 4:

Have the students talk about how they could deal with their insecurities. Ask if any groups feel comfortable sharing.

Note: For individual students that discuss deep or troubling issues, reference their Social Emotional Scores on the Indigo Dashboard.

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Activity: Conquering Fear of the Future

It’s a question that often lingers in the minds of students, leaving them anxious and uncertain as they navigate the challenges of the educational journey. In a world filled with rapid changes and unknowns, helping students conquer their fear of the future is paramount. 

We’re excited to introduce our ‘Conquering Fear of the Future SEL‘ activity, a powerful tool designed to boost students’ confidence and resilience. This transformative exercise encourages students to reflect on their past successes, arming them with the self-assurance needed to face the uncertainties of the future with unwavering determination.

The Goal

The goal of this exercise is to build students’ confidence about the future by remembering their past successes.

RAMP (ASCA) Mindset & Behaviors addressed and developed:

Academic: Results Orientation; Taking Challenges.
Positive Attitude; Take Responsibility.
Social/Emotional: Self Control / Self Discipline; Perseverance; Social Maturity; Self Confidence; Empathy.


  • Circle of chairs
  • Indigo Report

Step 1: 

Ask students to think of something they are nervous about. (These fears do not need to be shared out loud.)

Step 2:

Pair students up and have them both share a victory from their past. They can share with the group if they are willing.

Step 3:

Encourage students to think about this past success throughout the week when facing challenges that make them scared or nervous. Look at the Motivators section of the Indigo Report for clues of how you could inspire or drive students to tackle certain challenges they fear.

Example: A student is nervous for an upcoming test, but remember a past test that they studied for and passed. As they prepare for the next test, they will use the memory of the last test as motivation.

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Activity: Use Your Unique Strengths

Unlocking your full potential starts with recognizing and harnessing your unique strengths. Whether you’re a student looking to excel academically, kickstart your career with confidence, or simply build stronger social and emotional connections, understanding and leveraging your strengths is a powerful tool in your arsenal.

In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to a practical activity designed to help you identify your strengths, articulate them effectively, and discover how to apply them in various aspects of your life. Let’s embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment as we explore the transformative effects of embracing your strengths.

The Goal

This exercise helps students understand their strengths, how to articulate them, and explore how to use them.

RAMP (ASCA) Mindset & Behaviors addressed and developed:

Academic: Results Orientation; Extracurricular Activities Participation.
Self Confidence; Whole Self; Perseverance.
Social/Emotional: Building Positive Peer Relationships; Sense of Belonging.


  • Circle of chairs
  • Indigo Report
  • Pencil and paper

Step 1: 

Have students read the Strengths section on the summary page of the report and star the ones that stand out to them.

Step 2:

Have students get in groups of three to talk about their strengths and times when they have used them.

Step 3:

Now have the same groups talk about places where they could use their strengths in the future. Have them each write down three examples for themselves.

Example: Two of Sally’s strengths are “Thinks outside the box when gathering information” and “Brings enthusiasm to the creative process.” She realizes these could be used to excel on the multimedia research project she has been dreading in her history class.

Note: You may need to rephrase some of the strengths on the Indigo Report if students have difficulty understanding certain words or phrases.

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Activity: Support System

In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, having a reliable support system can make all the difference in a student’s journey towards personal and academic growth. But what exactly makes a person “safe” to lean on and confide in? In this blog post, we’re about to embark on an enlightening exercise that will help you identify the key qualities that define a “safe person.”

By the end of this activity, you’ll not only gain a deeper understanding of what to look for in your support system but also discover how you can become a “safe” person yourself.

Let’s delve into the transformative power of building and nurturing a network of trustworthy individuals who are there for you when you need them the most.

The Goal

This exercise will help students understand the qualities that make up “safe” people so that they can build a better support system.

RAMP (ASCA) Mindset & Behaviors addressed and developed:

Take Responsibility; Self Advocacy; Self Motivation / Self Direction.
Social/Emotional: Whole Self; Critical Thinking; Personal Safety; Building Positive Peer Relationships, Building Positive Adult Relationships.


  • Circle of chairs
  • Indigo Report
  • Pencil and paper

Step 1: 

Brainstorm qualities of “safe” people. Students can use real or imaginary people for examples.

Example: An example of a safe person could be “caring, a good listener who knows my needs” or “honest, direct, gives me smart advice.”

Step 2:

Have students list real people in their lives that fit these qualities.

Step 3:

Challenge students to be “safe” for someone else by trying to bring out one of the qualities of a safe person in their own lives.

Note: The definition of “safe” will vary from student to student. Use the Summary Page and DISC in the Indigo Report to determine what type of safe person will be the best fit for how each one communicates.

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Activity: Letter to Yourself

Today, we’re diving into a unique activity that will help you explore your inner thoughts and provide valuable advice to an imaginary friend who’s facing challenges similar to yours. Think of this friend as someone you deeply care about and want to guide through life’s twists and turns.

As we embark on this “Letter to Yourself” activity, keep in mind that self-discovery is an incredible ongoing adventure. 

Let’s dive into this exciting journey of self-exploration and empowerment. Get ready to write some fantastic letters!

The Goal

The goal of this exercise is to have students become more self-loving and self-empowered by making them take the time to give good advice to themselves.

RAMP (ASCA) Mindset & Behaviors addressed and developed:

Identifying Goals; Take Responsibility.
Career: Perseverance; Communication; Self-Advocacy.
Social/Emotional: Self Confidence; Self-Motivation; Coping Skills; Handling Change.


  • Places to write
  • Indigo Report
  • Pencil and paper

Step 1: 

Have students write a letter of advice to an imaginary person who is exactly like them facing the exact same problems they are. Write the advice like you would to a friend or family member.

If students are having a hard time thinking of advice, they can look at the Don’ts: …And How Others Should Not Communicate with You section of their Indigo Report to get ideas of things they could tell themselves to stay away from.

Example: A student could write a letter to herself to stay away from things that upset her—social media’s overstated opinions, negative people. Instead, she encourages her to spend more time creating things and less time consuming things.

Step 2:

Upon completion, challenge students to take their own advice to see what happens.

Step 3:

Invite any students who feel comfortable to share their letters and experiences with the groups.

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Activity: Back to School Introduction

Welcome back to school! As we kick off another academic year, we’re excited to introduce a unique back-to-school activity focused on helping students explore their identities and establish meaningful connections. 

In a world where real connections can sometimes take a back seat to busy schedules, this blog sets the tone for an activity that encourages students to go beyond the basics and engage in conversations that truly matter. Let’s dive in together!

The Goal

The purposes of this exercise is to kick off the group, get to know the students, and set the tone of the meetings.

RAMP (ASCA) Mindset & Behaviors addressed and developed:

Building Supportive Adult Relationships. 
Social/Emotional: Sense of Belonging; Self-Motivation/Self Direction; Perseverance; Self Confidence; Coping Skills; Building Positive Peer Relationships.


  • Circle of chairs
  • Paper and pencils/pens

Step 1: 

Have students sit in a circle and introduce yourself and the purpose of the group. Emphasize that the point of the group is to dive deeper into what your strengths and weaknesses are, help you grow, examine why you are at school, and figure out what you want to get out of school.

Step 2:

Instruct each student to share their name, how long they have been at the school and/or lived in the area, then tell the group one thing everyone knows about them and one thing nobody knows about them. Ask follow-up questions.

Step 3:

Students should get out paper and pencil/pen (or pass them out). Ask them to write down answers to the prompts below. Let them know that they will not be asked to share their favorite/least favorite things so they can be honest.

What is your favorite thing in life right now?
What are your top three least favorite things?
What do you love about this particular school?
What do you dislike about this particular school?
What does the world look like to you?
What do you wish the world looked like?
How can you be a part of making this happen?


Step 4:

Talk a little about the last two questions as a group. Close by explaining that the group is going to explore how each person is going to carry out that last question.

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Uncovering Hidden Bias in Motivators (CLEAR Professional Development Series)

Bias is everywhere, even in something as seemingly innocuous as human motivation. The same thing that motivates and excites us can be a turn-off for others. This session will explore the six core driving human motivators, what they mean, and how your personal preferences can uncover hidden bias. Participants will have an opportunity to measure their motivator sequence via IndigoPathway’s 7- minute survey during the session. Finally, we will discuss how this impacts us in businesses, education, and communities.

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Low Compliance Classroom Management Tips

Personalized classroom management strategies help meet individual student needs, fostering a positive learning environment, increasing motivation, and leading to better student performance. Understanding a student’s core DISC style provides a great framework helping each student thrive! In this blog, we’ll explore techniques for managing high steadiness students, creating a structured and results-focused environment for optimal performance.

Someone who scores below 50 in the DISC Steadiness behavioral style (blue bar on the DISC graph is considered “low” in that style). The lower the score, the more the classroom strategies typically apply.

A low compliance student may have characteristics such as being non-conforming, big picture oriented, and uninterested in details. Additionally, they may have difficulty with time management and organization. 

Here are some classroom management strategies to keep in mind for you students who have a low compliance behavioral style:

Encourage autonomy and independence.

Low compliance students may have a strong sense of individuality, so encourage autonomy and independence in their learning and decision making.

Use positive reinforcement and recognition.

Low compliance students may be more responsive to positive reinforcement and recognition, rather than traditional forms of discipline.

Provide flexibility in assignments and activities.

Low compliance students may struggle with rigid schedules or assignments, so provide flexibility in assignments and activities to accommodate their needs.

Provide opportunities for hands-on and experiential learning.

Low compliance students may have a hard time sitting still for long periods or retaining information through lectures, so provide opportunities for hands-on and experiential learning.

Be patient and understanding.

Low compliance students may struggle with meeting deadlines or following through on tasks, so be patient and understanding of their needs.

Give them clear and specific feedback on their work.

Low compliance students may need clear and specific feedback on their work to understand their progress and areas for improvement.

Allow them to express their ideas, opinions and suggestions.

Low compliance students may have unique perspectives or ideas, so allow them to express themselves and incorporate their ideas into the classroom.

These strategies aim to provide a flexible and engaging learning environment that takes into account the individual needs of low compliance students and encourages them to take responsibility for their learning and behavior. It also provide opportunities for positive reinforcement and recognition to build their motivation and self-esteem.

Note: It’s important to note that the DISC assessment is just one tool used to understand and describe behavior, and it should not be used to label or judge individuals. Each person is unique and may exhibit a combination of different behavioral traits. Additionally, behavior can change depending on the situation and context. Therefore, it is essential to use the information from the DISC assessment as a starting point for understanding and communication, not as a means of making judgments or assumptions about a person’s character or abilities.

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